(a) All moneys of the Authority shall be deposited in qualified depositories for funds of the Government of Puerto Rico; but they shall be kept in a separate account or accounts in the name of the Authority. Its funds shall be disbursed pursuant to such regulations and budgets as the Board of Directors may approve.
The President and General Manager shall, upon consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury and with his approval, set up the accounting system required for the proper statistical control and record of all expenses and income belonging to or managed or controlled by the Authority. The said Secretary of the Treasury shall require that the accounts of the Authority be kept in such manner as appropriately to segregate, insofar as advisable, the accounts in respect of the different classes of operations, projects, undertakings, and activities of the Authority. The Comptroller of Puerto Rico or his representative shall from time to time examine the accounts and books of the Authority, including its receipts, disbursements, contracts, leases, sinking funds, investments and any other matters relating to its financial condition, and shall report thereon to the Board of Directors, the Governor of Puerto Rico, and the Legislature.
History —May 11, 1959, No. 5, p. 17, § 8.