P.R. Laws tit. 26, § 950b

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 950b. License—Scope of the examination

(1) Every examination required by § 950a of this title shall be as prescribed by the Commissioner and its scope shall be broad enough to enable the reasonable evaluation of the knowledge of the applicant relative to the kinds of insurance covered on the license and the duties and responsibilities of said licensee and the laws applicable to the latter.

(2) The Commissioner may prepare and make available to the applicants, through the payment of fees established by the Commissioner through rule, regulation, order or administrative determination, a manual specifying the subject matter to be covered in any examination for a specific license.

(3) The Commissioner shall, from time to time and through rule or regulation, establish reasonable groupings of the kind or kinds of insurance or subdivisions thereof that may be covered by examinations for specific licenses.

History —Ins. Code, added as § 9.120 on Jan. 19, 2006, No. 10, § 8, eff. 120 days after Jan. 19, 2006.