P.R. Laws tit. 26, § 701

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 701. Presentation rights, license and others

(1) As a condition to remain or continue being authorized to procure or process any type of insurance in Puerto Rico, the following persons or entities shall pay to the Commissioner, not later than the date of expiration of their licenses or authorization certificates, the fees specified below:

Entity Annual Fee (a) Local insurers or health services organizations that subscribed a premium volume of less than five million dollars ($5,000,000) during the preceding calendar year, as well as those whose volume of premiums subscribed derives solely and exclusively from healthcare services rendered under the Health Reform Plan of the Government of Puerto Rico $ 5,000.00 (b) Local insurers or health services organizations that subscribed a premium volume of five million dollars ($5,000,000) or more, but less than twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) during the preceding calendar year 27,000.00 (c) Local insurers or health services organizations that subscribed a premium volume of twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) or more, but less than fifty-five million dollars ($55,000,000) during the preceding calendar year 43,500.00 (d) Local insurers or health services organizations that subscribed a premium volume of fifty-five million dollars ($55,000,000) or more, but less than eighty-five million dollars ($85,000,000) during the preceding calendar year 92,000.00 (e) Local insurers or health services organizations that subscribed a premium volume of eighty-five million dollars ($85,000,000) or more, but less than one hundred fifty million dollars ($150,000,000) during the preceding calendar year 130,000.00 (f) Local insurers or health services organizations that subscribed a premium volume of one hundred fifty million dollars ($150,000,000) or more, but less than two hundred thirty million dollars ($230,000,000) during the preceding calendar year 149,500.00 (g) Local insurers or health services organizations that subscribed a premium volume of two hundred thirty million dollars ($230,000,000) or more, but less than six hundred million dollars ($600,000,000) during the preceding calendar year 172,000.00 (h) Local insurers or health services organizations that subscribed a premium volume of more than six hundred million dollars ($600,000,000) during the preceding calendar year 200,000.00 (i) Foreign insurers 6,309.00 (j) Nonprofit shareholders organized under §§ 41 et seq. of Title 6. (i) With a subscribed premium volume of fifty million dollars ($50,000,000) or more during the preceding calendar year 31,545.00 (ii) With a subscribed premium volume of less than fifty million ($50,000,000) during the preceding calendar year 5,257.00 (k) Charitable fraternity organizations 2,103.00 (l) Rate-setting bodies, for each kind of authorized insurance 2,103.00 (m) Advisory bodies 525.00 (n) Foreign insurers exclusively engaged in reinsuring 2,103.00 (o) Surplus line insurers 1,051.00 (p) Automobile clubs or associations 525.00 (q) Authorized representatives (i) Individuals [157.00] (ii) Corporations or partnerships [315.00] [(r) Solicitors 52.00] [(s) Brokers (i) Individuals 525.00 (ii) Partnerships or corporations with a premium production volume of less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) 1,051.00] (iii) Partnerships or corporations with a premium production volume of one million dollars ($1,000,000) or more 2,103.00] (t) Settlements (i) Viatical settlement investment agents 1,051.00 (ii) Viatical settlement brokers 1,051.00 (iii) Viatical settlement intermediaries 2,103.00 (iv) Viatical settlement providers 2,103.00 (u) Adjusters 210.00 (v) Non-residents intermediaries 841.00 (w) Attorneys-in-fact 105.00 (x) Consultants 420.00 (y) Surplus line brokers 525.00 (z) Managers (i) Who represent two (2) or less insurers 1,051.00 (ii) Who represent more than two (2) insurers 5,257.00 (aa) General agents (i) Who represent two (2) or less insurers 1,051.00 (ii) Who represent more than two (2) insurers 5,257.00 (bb) Charitable organizations as defined in § 4201 of this title 1,051.00

(2) The Commissioner shall charge in advance, and the persons and entities so served shall also pay in advance, the following fees and rates:

(a) Original filing of articles of incorporation, or other corporate charter documents of an insurer: (i) In the case of a stock insurer, one dollar ($1) for each thousand dollars ($1,000) or fraction of authorized capital. (ii) In the case of a mutual, reciprocal insurer, one dollar ($1) for each thousand dollars ($1,000) or fraction of the surplus. Such fee shall never be less than five hundred dollars ($500), nor more than five thousand dollars ($5,000). (b) Certificate of deposit 25.00 (c) Filing application for permit to solicit 250.00 (i) If the application is for public issue 500.00 (d) Sales representative’s license, each year 50.00 (e) Modifying solicitation permit 200.00 (f) Examinations and provisional licenses (i) Licensing examination for intermediaries, authorized representatives, solicitors, adjusters, consultants, and attorneys-in-fact 150.00 (ii) Provisional license 150.00 (g) Copies of documents on file, if in the Commissioner’s judgment such copies can be issued or if their issue is ordered by a competent court, each page, one dollar ($1), and for certified copies, two dollars ($2) per page. (h) Miscellaneous certificates under the Commissioner’s seal; each certificate 25.00 (i) For information concerning insurance contracts, upon request of interested parties, deemed by the Commissioner to be entitled thereto, such reasonable sum as the Commissioner may fix. (j) Filing of an application for authorization of foreign and domestic insurer, and automobile associations or clubs, and analysis and filing of the annual report 350.00 (k) Filing of an application for authorization of health services organizations, application for surplus line insurer eligibility certification and the corresponding filing and analysis of the annual report 300.00

History —Ins. Code, added as § 7.010 on June 29, 1996, No. 62, § 8; Aug. 12, 1999, No. 230, § 1; Mar. 27, 2003, No. 96, § 3; June 30, 2008, No. 104, § 1, eff. June 1, 2009.