The Commission shall have, without it being understood as a limitation, the following powers and duties:
(a) To grant and issue temporary authorizations and permits in accordance with the provisions hereinafter provided.
(b) To keep a registry of all the persons to whom temporary authorizations or permits have been granted, as the case may be, and in which there shall be stated such information as the Commission may, by regulation, deem necessary.
(c) To adopt and promulgate the necessary rules and regulations for the enforcement of this chapter, following the procedure established in § 1261 of this title.
(d) To fix any condition or requisite as it may determine necessary and advisable with respect to the rendering of the transportation or aggregates freight services and to the motor vehicle to be used.
(e) To deny, suspend or revoke the permits for the reasons and through the procedure provided in this chapter.
(f) To carry out investigations and hold public hearings in connection with the granting, denial, suspension or revocation of the permits for which it shall have the same faculties and powers conferred upon it by §§ 1001 et seq. of this title with respect to the authorizations for the public carriers.
(g) To prescribe the fees to be charged for the issuance of permits which shall not exceed three dollars ($3).
(h) To prescribe, by regulations, fair and reasonable rates for the regulated activity in those cases where applicable for the reason of there being involved the rendering of services for pay, following the procedure provided for the prescription of rates in §§ 1001 et seq. of this title.
(i) To delegate in one or more commissioners, in its employees and examiners those functions it may deem advisable in order to enforce this chapter.
History —May 16, 1972, No. 1, p. 333, § 5.