P.R. Laws tit. 21, § 6012

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§ 6012. Signature of the bonds, notes or any other instruments

The bonds, notes or any other instruments authorized pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be signed by, or shall bear the facsimile of the signature of the person who holds the office of mayor at the time of the signing thereof; the corporate seal of the municipality or a facsimile thereof shall be printed thereon; and shall be signed by, or shall bear a facsimile of the signature of the person who holds the office of Secretary of the municipality at the time of the signing thereof or of any other official designated by the Legislature to attest to and authenticate the signature of the mayor and the printing of the corporate seal on bonds, notes or instruments. At least one of the signatures shall be handwritten by the signer. In the case of coupon bonds, every coupon shall be signed by or shall bear the signature in facsimile of the mayor. In the event that any official whose signature or facsimile thereof appears in any of the bonds, notes or any other instruments is not in office prior to the delivery of said bonds, notes or instruments, said signature or facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all legal purposes as if said official were in office until said delivery.

History —July 3, 1996, No. 64, § 13, renumbered as § 16 and amended on Aug. 12, 1997, No. 75, § 15.