P.R. Laws tit. 21, § 6010

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§ 6010. Validity of ordinance or resolution

(a) No action or recourse based on the nullity of an ordinance or resolution that authorizes an obligation approved by the Government Bank; nor the validity of an ordinance or resolution or of any of its provisions, including the provisions for the payment of bonds, notes or instruments; nor the validity of the bonds, notes or instruments authorized by the ordinance or resolution, shall be questioned under any circumstances in any court, except in an action or proceeding initiated in a court with jurisdiction within ten (10) days following the date of this notice of approval required by § 6009 of this title.

(b) Unless an action or proceeding has been filed before the term of ten (10) days established in this section has expired, it shall be undisputedly presumed that the ordinance or resolution to authorize an obligation, approved by the Government Bank has been duly and regularly adopted and approved by the municipality in compliance with the provisions of this chapter and of any other applicable law. Neither the validity of said ordinance or resolution or any of its provisions, including the provisions for the payment of bonds, notes or instruments; nor the validity of the bonds, notes or instruments authorized by the ordinance or resolution; nor the validity of the bonds, notes or instruments authorized by the ordinance or resolution, shall be questioned by the municipality, any taxpayer of the municipality or any interested party, regardless of the provisions in conflict with any provision of this chapter or of any other act or regulation.

(c) No ordinance shall be declared null for the mere fact that it has been adopted as an ordinance when it should have been adopted as a resolution and no resolution shall be declared null for the mere fact that it has been adopted as a resolution when it should have been adopted as an ordinance.

History —July 3, 1996, No. 64, § 11, renumbered as § 14 and amended on Aug. 12, 1997, No. 75, § 13.