P.R. Laws tit. 21, § 5815

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§ 5815. Funds—Transfer

The following funds shall be transferred to the municipalities during Fiscal Year 1991-92 and during each subsequent fiscal year:

(a) The total amount of funds from the basic tax levied by the Commonwealth Government and by the municipalities as of the date of approval of this act, plus any additional basic tax subsequently levied by the municipalities up to the limits established by § 5001 of this title, part of the act known as the “Municipal Property Tax Act of 1991”, on the appraised value of all real and personal property in Puerto Rico, non-exempted or exempted from the payment of taxes. Furthermore, the funds from the obligations imposed on the Secretary of the Treasury by §§ 5006, 5009 and 5189 of this title.

(b) Twenty-five percent (25%) in Fiscal Year 1991-92 and thirty percent (30%) in Fiscal Year 1992-93 and thirty-five percent (35%) in Fiscal Year 1993-94 and in each subsequent year of the annual net revenues derived from the operation of the Additional Lottery System.

(c) An amount equal to two and two hundredths percent (2.02%) computed on the basis of the net internal revenues of the General Fund until Fiscal Year 1999-2000; two and one tenth percent (2.1%) for Fiscal Year 2000-2001; two point two percent (2.2%) for Fiscal Year 2001-2002; two point three percent (2.3%) for Fiscal Year 2002-2003; two point four percent (2.4%) for Fiscal Year 2003-2004; and two point five percent (2.5%) for subsequent fiscal years; Provided, That for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2009:

(1) The amount of net revenues of the General Fund for purposes of this computation shall not include those revenues, collections or incomes received through the implementation of the Special Act Declaring a State of Fiscal Emergency and Establishing a Comprehensive Fiscal Stabilization Plan to Salvage the Credit of Puerto Rico.

(2) The distribution among municipalities of the appropriation provided in this subsection (c), as determined under § 5817 of this title, shall be adjusted so that those municipalities for which said appropriation has represented fifty percent (50%) or more of its income for Fiscal Year 2007-2008, shall receive an amount not less than that received for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. The total amount of the adjustments shall be distributed among the remaining municipalities on an inversely proportional basis to the percentage that the participation of each of said remaining municipalities in the appropriation provided in this subsection (a) for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 represented of its total revenues for said year.

(d) Two percent (2%) of the revenues obtained from the fines collected for violations of §§ 5001 et seq. of Title 9, as now or subsequently amended, during Fiscal Year 2005-2006 and subsequent fiscal years, to nourish the Municipal Public Works Fund, created by § 5815a of this title.

History —Aug. 30, 1991, No. 80, § 16; July 31, 1992, No. 42, § 3; Aug. 15, 1999, No. 238, § 1; Aug. 10, 2001, No. 99, § 1; June 14, 2004, No. 147, § 1; Aug. 4, 2008, No. 159, § 1; Mar. 9, 2009, No. 7, § 32; July 10, 2009, No. 37, § 24.