P.R. Laws tit. 21, § 5807

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 5807. Executive Director—Appointment

The Center shall be directed by an Executive Director appointed by the Board. The Director shall be the executive head of the Center, shall exercise those duties and powers provided in §§ 5801–5820 of this title or in any other act under the administration of the Center, as well as those delegated by the Board or its President. The Board shall fix the salary or remuneration of the Executive Director according to the customary standards for positions of equal or similar nature and to the level of responsibility in the public service sector.

The Executive Director shall hold office at the Board’s volition and must hold a bachelor’s degree of an institution of higher education recognized by the Council on Higher Education, not to have filled the position of mayor during the four (4) years prior to the date of his appointment and be a person of renown administrative capacity and moral probity. The Executive Director may avail himself to the benefits of §§ 761 et seq. of Title 3 known as the “Employees Retirement System Act of the Government of Puerto Rico and its Instrumentalities”.

The Executive Director shall appoint an Acting Director who shall substitute him provisionally in each case of temporary absence. When for any cause the position of Executive Director is vacant, the Acting Director shall assume all the functions, duties and faculties of the position, until the successor of the Director is appointed and qualifies. The Acting Director must meet the same requirements that are provided in this section for the Executive Director and shall exercise his position at the later’s volition.

History —Aug. 30, 1991, No. 80, § 8.