P.R. Laws tit. 21, § 4951

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 4951. Definitions

For the purposes of this chapter the following words, phrases and terms shall have the meaning expressed hereinbelow:

(a) Sidewalks.— Shall mean that portion of a public road reserved for pedestrian traffic that lies between the curb line of said road and the line of a piece of property, lot, building or adjacent or contiguous structure.

(b) Periodic rent.— Shall mean the regular fee or payment required by the municipality to grant an authorization to locate and operate an itinerant business in any municipal sidewalk, road or installation.

(c) Owner.— Shall mean the natural or juridical person who is the proprietor or usufructuary of an itinerant business and in whose name the license to operate said business is issued.

(d) Public facility.— Shall mean any tract and parcel of land, plot, lot and residue thereof and any structure, building, establishment, school, field, center, town or neighborhood square, park, stadium, parking area, including all annexes thereto, which are the property of or in use or usufruct by the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or any municipality.

(e) License.— Shall mean the document issued by a municipality by virtue of the requirements of the law, ordinance and regulations, authorizing its holder to operate an itinerant business within the territorial boundaries of the municipality in question and according to the type of license issued.

(f) Itinerant business.— Shall mean any continuous or temporary commercial operation for the sale of goods and services at retail, lacking a fixed and permanent establishment, and operated in mobile units, on foot or by hand, or at a place which is not attached to any one place or real property, or if so, has neither permanent electric energy or water connections nor sanitary facilities.

(g) Operator.— Shall mean any natural person who not being the owner of an itinerant business operates, administers or has control over the latter.

(h) Route.— Shall mean the public places or roads in which an itinerant business may travel or circulate, being able to stop only to conduct a sale when solicited.

(i) Person.— Shall mean any entity, corporation, partnership, company, enterprise, society, organization, foundation, institution, cooperative or group of persons who conduct a profit-making or non-profit operation.

(j) Itinerant vendor.— Shall mean any natural or juridical person who operates or exploits an itinerant business as proprietor or as employee, agent, leaseholder, concessionaire, usufructuary, or in any other manner.

(k) Sale at retail.— Shall mean any transaction for the purchase and sale of goods and services directly to the consumer.

(l) Public road.— Shall mean any highway, avenue, street, path, walkway, portico, pedestrian pathway, alley, sidewalk and similar others for public use, be they municipal or state, excluding freeways and expressways.

History —Aug. 30, 1991, No. 81, added as § 20.002 on Oct. 29, 1992, No. 84, § 103.