P.R. Laws tit. 21, § 4905

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§ 4905. Powers and duties of the Commissioner

The Commissioner shall have the following powers and duties, among others:

(a) Determine the internal organization of the Office and establish the necessary systems for its proper operation, as well as taking the necessary administrative and managerial actions to carry out the powers and responsibilities delegated to the Office under this subtitle or any other law.

(b) Appoint the personnel needed to carry out the responsibilities of the Office, fix their salaries or remuneration, and assign duties and responsibilities subject to the provisions of this chapter.

(c) Contract technical and professional services as needed to fulfill the functions, duties and responsibilities of the Office.

(d) Delegate those functions, duties and responsibilities he/she deems necessary on any official or employee of the Office, in accordance with the provisions of this subtitle.

(e) Acquire the materials, supplies, equipment, property and services needed for the operation of the Office, subject to §§ 931 et seq. of Title 3, known as “General Services Administration Act”.

(f) Prepare and administer the general budget of expenses of the Office and the funds which, by virtue of any law, gift or any other legal means are provided to the Office pursuant to §§ 283 et seq. of Title 3, known as “Government of Puerto Rico Accounting Act”, and the regulations adopted by virtue thereof.

(g) Keep and safeguard all files, registries, records and other documents held by the Office, pursuant to the provisions of §§ 1001 et seq. of Title 3, known as “Public Documents Conservation Act.”

(h) Execute agreements or contracts with public agencies to provide advisory services, and technical and professional help or assistance to the municipalities.

(i) Report to the Governor, the Legislature [of Puerto Rico] and the public agencies on the fiscal affairs of the municipalities, and their problems, needs, resources and aspects of public policy and operations, in general. A complete and detailed report shall be submitted to the Governor of Puerto Rico and the Legislature [of Puerto Rico] no later than the second week of January of each year on the activities, achievements, programs, matters handled, complaints processed, funds received from different sources, disbursements and remaining funds, if any. A copy of this report shall be sent to each of the municipalities.

(j) Be a regular member of the Board of Directors of the Municipal Financing Agency of Puerto Rico created by §§ 681 et seq. of this title.

(k) To compile and keep up to date an account of suits for political discrimination and violation of civil rights of all municipalities that have been resolved by a competent court whose decision is final and binding, and remit a listing of the abovementioned cases resolved, the cost to the public treasury, the duration of the sentence, and the amount of attorney’s fees, to the Governor, the Legislature [of Puerto Rico], and the Civil Rights Commission no later than the second week of January of each year. The Commissioner shall adopt the appropriate Regulations in order to put the provisions of this subsection into effect, pursuant to § 4911 of this title.

History —Aug. 30, 1991, No. 81, § 19.005; Mar. 16, 1995, No. 29, § 1; Sept. 6, 2000, No. 385, § 2.