P.R. Laws tit. 21, § 4567b

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 4567b. Fringe benefits—Adoption leave

Any female employee who adopts a preschooler, that is, a child who is five (5) years old or less and is not enrolled in school, shall be entitled to a four (4)-week leave, to be counted from the day of the adoption.

(a) Full pay and accrual of other leave.— For the duration of the maternity leave for adoption, the employee shall receive full pay. This pay shall become effective when the employee begins to enjoy the leave. Employees enjoying maternity leave for adoption shall accrue vacation and sick leave while enjoying maternity leave for adoption, provided that she returns to municipal public service at the end of the leave period. In these cases, leave time shall be credited when the employee returns to work.

(b) Request leave.— Every request for maternity leave for adoption shall be accompanied by a certification from the agency that managed the adoption process, where the adoption date shall be stated.

(c) Removal without just cause.— The adoptive mother may not be removed without just cause. Any decision that may affect the permanent status at work of an adoptive mother shall be postponed until after the period of maternity leave for adoption.

History —Aug. 30, 1991, No. 81, added as § 11.017B on Nov. 22, 2009, No. 151, § 8.