P.R. Laws tit. 21, § 4214

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§ 4214. Internal administrative functions

The legislature shall appoint the personnel needed for the functioning thereof and the performance of their duties, functions, and responsibilities in all the positions and offices. It may, likewise, contract whatever professional and consulting services that are necessary or convenient to perform its responsibilities as a body. Every contract shall be executed according to the applicable provisions of this subtitle and the rules and regulations that are in force to such effects. It shall also maintain a registry of all contracts that are executed and shall be subject to §§ 97 et seq. of Title 2 and its regulations.

The legislature shall administer the authorized budget of expenses of the municipal legislative branch in the general budget of the municipality, pursuant to § 2 of Title 11; shall take whatever measures are necessary for the protection of the municipal legislators members while they are in the performance of their duties as such and while they go to and return from the meetings of the legislature to their home.

To such ends, the legislature shall establish the necessary rules to authorize the disbursements and any internal transfers of credits within its budget, to contract the life and accident insurance, in equal or similar terms as that which covers municipal employees in the performance of their official duties and functions. Every transaction with regard to said budget shall be carried out following the procedures that are analogous to those established by this subtitle, and complying with the regulations approved by the Commissioner and the pertinent municipal ordinances. The President of the legislature shall establish the administrative mechanisms needed to execute this power.

History —Aug. 30, 1991, No. 81, art 5.014;; Apr. 13, 1995, No. 36, § 23; renumbered as art. 5.016 on July 25, 2000, No. 135, § 4.