P.R. Laws tit. 21, § 4213a

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§ 4213a. Minutes and records—Reading of documents

When a municipal legislator wishes that a document that is strictly linked to the legislative process and that has not been reproduced and distributed in the course of the parliamentary procedures be read, he shall so request it from the Legislature through a motion to said effect, briefly explaining the need for its reading, its contents, and its extension. If there is no objection, the President shall order that the document be read.

If there were an objection to that reading request, it shall be explained briefly, but shall not be debatable. The Legislature shall resolve by the affirmative vote of four fifths (4 / 5) of the members present, whether the document shall be read or not.

The affirmative vote of four fifths (4 / 5) of the members present shall also be required to determine if the contents of the document shall be consigned in the legislative record.

History —Aug. 30, 1991, No. 81, added as § 5.014 on July 25, 2000, No. 135, § 2.