P.R. Laws tit. 21, § 4210

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§ 4210. Secretary—Requirements

The Legislature shall create the administrative office of Secretary. The Secretary of the Legislature shall not be a municipal legislator, and shall, at least, hold a Bachelor’s degree from an institution of higher education, and enjoy a good reputation in the community. He/she shall be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Legislature and shall answer solely to it.

With regard to his/her working hours, vacation leave and fringe benefits, the Secretary shall be subject to the personnel rules that are established for the officials and employees of the Municipal Legislative Branch.

The Secretary’s annual salary shall not be less than the basic salary fixed for the officials that are directors of the administrative units of the Executive Branch of the municipal government. The Legislature shall establish the working hours, attendance registry, granting of leave and other matters that apply to the Secretary, by resolution. In this case, annual leave or other types of leave shall be authorized by the President of said body.

When the Secretary is temporarily absent, his/her office shall be covered by the person designated by the President pursuant to this section.

History —Aug. 30, 1991, No. 81, § 5.010.