P.R. Laws tit. 21, § 4163

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§ 4163. Vacancy—Elected under an independent candidacy

When an independent candidate who has been elected [as a] municipal legislator does not take office on the date provided in this subtitle, or resigns, is totally and permanently disabled, is removed from office or impeached, the Secretary of the Legislature shall advise the Governor and the Commonwealth Election Commission of the fact, in writing and with acknowledgment of receipt, in order to call a special election to fill the vacancy of the municipal legislator, within thirty (30) days following the date of the receipt thereof.

When all the municipal legislators elected under an independent candidacy refuse to take office or resign at any time after having taken office, the mayor shall immediately notify the Governor and the Commonwealth Election Commission of the fact, so that a special election can be called within the above-stated term of thirty (30) days.

Every special election held to fill vacancies of municipal legislators elected under an independent candidacy, shall be held pursuant to Section 5.006 of Act No. 4 of December 20 of 1977, known as “Puerto Rico Electoral Law”.

Any person who is selected to fill the vacancy of an municipal legislator elected under an independent candidacy, shall meet the eligibility requirements for the office provided in this subtitle.

History —Aug. 30, 1991, No. 81, § 4.013, renumbered as § 4.012 on Oct. 29, 1992, No. 84, § 17.