P.R. Laws tit. 21, § 4158

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 4158. Vacancy—Mass resignation and refusal

When all elected municipal legislators refuse to take their respective offices, or when they resign after taking office, the mayor shall notify this fact immediately and simultaneously to the Governor of Puerto Rico, to the Commonwealth Elections Commission and to the Presidents of the local and central governing bodies of the political parties that elected them. This notice shall be made in writing, return receipt requested, not later than the five (5) days following the date in which the mayor obtained knowledge of the refusal of the elected municipal legislators to take office. Within thirty (30) days from the date the mayor’s notice is received, as evidenced by the notice of receipt of the aforesaid, the local and central governing bodies of the political parties that elected them shall submit the names of the substitute municipal legislators to the Commonwealth Elections Commission, with a copy to the mayor. The Commonwealth Elections Commission shall fill the vacancies with the persons proposed by the local and central governing bodies of the political party that elected the municipal legislators that resigned or refused to take office. When discrepancies about the persons proposed arise between the local and central governing bodies of the political party which must fill the vacancies, the recommendation of the central governing body shall prevail.

The persons selected to fill the vacancies referred to in this section shall meet the eligibility requirements for the position established in this subtitle.

History —Aug. 30, 1991, No. 81, § 4.008; Oct. 29, 1992, No. 84, § 14.