P.R. Laws tit. 21, § 4103

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 4103. Vacancy—Procedure to fill

When the mayor-elect does not take office on the date provided in this subtitle, and if there is just cause for the delay, he/she shall be granted a term of fifteen (15) days to do so. The Legislature shall request the local governing body of the political party that elected the mayor, to designate a candidate to fill the vacancy. The Legislature shall ratify this request at its first regular session after the above term has elapsed, and the Secretary shall immediately send it, in writing, with acknowledgment of receipt requested. The candidate submitted by said local governing body shall take office immediately after his/her selection, and shall hold office for the term of office of the person who was elected, who did not take office.

When the local governing body does not submit a candidate within fifteen (15) days following the date of receipt of the Legislature’s request, the Secretary thereof shall notify said fact to the President of the political party that elected the mayor, as expeditiously as possible. The President shall proceed to fill the vacancy with the candidate proposed by the central governing body of the party that elected the mayor, whose vacancy is to be filled.

Any person that is selected to fill a vacancy caused by a mayor-elect who does not take office, must meet the eligibility requirements established in § 4101 of this title.

The President of the Municipal Legislature or the President of the political party in question, as the case may be, shall notify the name of the person selected to fill the vacancy of the mayor, to the Commonwealth Election Commission for their information, and for them to issue the corresponding certification.

History —Aug. 30, 1991, No. 81, § 3.003.