P.R. Laws tit. 21, § 1055o

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 1055o. General evaluation criteria

The Committee shall evaluate submitted applications based on the following general criteria:

(a) That the municipality has an established plan that shows the commitment and public policy on environmental protection in its operations and services. Said plan shall include the existing natural areas within the inventories and the List of Top Priority Conservation Areas of Important Natural Value according to the established goals and particular situation of each municipality. Said plan shall include the existing natural areas within the inventories and the List of Top Priority Conservation Areas of Important Natural Value in Puerto Rico. Such plan must be already implemented at the time the application is submitted and shall take into account, at least, the following issues:

(1) The implementation of electric power and water consumption savings programs in all municipal buildings.

(2) The installation and maintenance of technological devices, renewable energy equipment, or both in municipal facilities or any machinery or equipment belonging to the municipality to help improve efficiency, save energy, and reduce environmental impact.

(3) The establishment of an internal program to reduce and recycle materials and resources.

(4) The adoption of a policy to acquire motor vehicles that use alternative fuel sources in order to reduce greenhouse gas emission.

(5) The adoption of a fuel economy policy for municipal motor vehicles.

(6) The granting of incentives to encourage the use of mass transportation to and from work among municipal employees.

(7) The adoption of a policy to encourage municipal employees to walk or ride bicycles to work, among other means of transportation that do not depend on fossil fuels.

(8) The development of a municipal employee education program about environmental conservation, energy efficiency, and the proper use of water.

(9) The adoption of a procurement policy focused on products and articles made from recycled material.

(10) The creation of a municipal employee committee to monitor and oversee the implementation and execution of the plan.

(b) That the municipality has at least one (1) sustainable development project to benefit the environment and involve the community. Municipal projects shall be already implemented at the time of application. These programs must have the endorsement of the Puerto Rico Solid Waste Authority. Insofar as they comply with the principles of benefit to the environment and community involvement, municipal projects to be considered may be, but are not limited to the following:

(1) Reforestation of common areas, easements, public roads, or municipal property and community participation in the maintenance thereof.

(2) Soil conservation and runoff control to mitigate erosion, control flooding, manage the risks to public safety or to handle properly any situation that adversely affects the environment, and prevent damage through community participation.

(3) Issuance and distribution of devices to communities to generate savings in gas, electricity, water, and fossil fuel consumption.

(4) Implementation of mass transportation systems and promotion of the use thereof by communities.

(5) Establishment of safe routes from communities to schools in order to reduce vehicular traffic and, therefore, pollution.

(6) Rehabilitation and development of the downtown area to counteract urban sprawl through innovative techniques in land use planning and neighborhood conservation initiatives.

(c) That the municipality has implemented at least one (1) of the following programs at the time of application. Programs must be measureable and supported with future budget appropriations to demonstrate their continuity in the fiscal year following the year of designation.

(1) A reusable material recycling program that includes the participation of communities, businesses, and trades as primary sources of classified generation of material. The Puerto Rico Solid Waste Authority must certify that the recycling program is effective according to the municipal recycling plan.

(2) Partnerships with private organizations or communities to promote or maintain green initiatives together.

(3) An abandoned pet collection and adoption program.

(4) A pest control program with the use of environmentally friendly materials and products.

(5) Environmental education or orientation programs for the communities so they can achieve their sustainability.

(6) Environmental advisory services or eco-friendly product distribution programs for the agricultural sector.

(7) A storm drain maintenance program.

(8) A landscaping beautification program that incorporates reusing materials and using environmentally friendly products.

(9) A program for the development of cultural, agricultural, or recreational activities or events related to environmental conservation that involve the community.

(d) That the municipality has at least one (1) approved municipal ordinance in effect at the time of application that provides on:

(1) The granting of municipal incentives for the construction of eco-friendly housing, trades, businesses, or buildings.

(2) The granting of municipal incentives to businesses and trades that establish or participate in reforestation projects.

(3) The granting of municipal incentives to private owners who establish or become part of programs to create municipal forest reserves.

(4) A territorial ordinance plan that incorporates smart growth.

(e) That the municipality has implemented innovative initiatives that demonstrate creativity in taking sustainable actions.

(f) That the municipality promotes and shows initiative and leadership in joint planning mechanisms such as the Territorial Ordinance Plan) with municipalities with whom it shares areas of important natural value, as well as the effective use of legal mechanisms to help protect the development of such areas of natural value, land division, and area plans aimed at addressing specific problems.

(g) That the municipality shows initiative and leadership in aiming its development to the downtown areas and promoting smart growth.

History —Dec. 21, 2010, No. 213, § 16.01.