Every court order shall be in writing, duly sealed and signed, and shall be accompanied by a clear and precise determination made by the court with respect to the minor’s situation.
Copy of the order shall be given to the parent with patria potestas, or legal guardian, or the person with provisional custody of the minor who receives mental health services, or his/her attorney, and to the director of the mental health institution or the director of the level of care service where the minor was admitted. The court shall notify any of the aforementioned of their right to request reconsideration and in case of being indigent, of their right to receive a free transcript of the legal file and to be assisted by an attorney. If the parent with patria potestas, or the legal guardian wishes [an appeal] and does have the economic means to do so, the court shall appoint an attorney.
History —Oct. 2, 2000, No. 408, § 11.06, eff. 90 days after Oct. 2, 2000.