P.R. Laws tit. 24, § 3574

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 3574. Safety

Safety comprises the safeguards and efforts made to guarantee that persons with autism spectrum disorder have the opportunities they need to achieve their full physical, mental, and emotional development thus protecting their interests and wellfare.

It is hereby declared as public policy that the Government of Puerto Rico shall be responsible for creating and implementing, directly or through other public or private entities, for the autism spectrum disorder population, any available mechanisms so that:

(a) They may grow and develop within a safe environment, free from prejudice and discrimination;

(b) they may enjoy an environment free from danger or risks to their home, community, care, development and education program; and be provided with opportunities to actively participate in community activities;

(c) they may develop and be cared for within an environment of sound coexistence;

(d) their privacy and intimacy is respected and protected, and

(e) law enforcement officers of the Commonwealth are trained on the strategies to intervene with the autism spectrum disorder population.

History —Sep. 4, 2012, No. 220, § 16.