P.R. Laws tit. 24, § 1235

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§ 1235. Separate record books; successive numbering

The keeper of the Register shall number successively the birth, marriage and death certificates, in three different series, starting with number one for the first birth, the first marriage and the first death in each natural year; besides, he shall set forth the date on which the certificate was registered in his office, and he shall sign each one of them. He shall then make an exact transcription of each birth, marriage and death certificate which has been presented in his office in the record books which shall be furnished by the Secretary of Health and which shall be permanently kept in his office as the local record, in such form and manner as the Secretary of Health may indicate; Provided, That separate books shall be kept in each registry for each kind of certificates, i.e., a book for births, a book for stillborn children, one for marriages, and another for deaths.

History —Apr. 22, 1931, No. 24, p. 228, § 35, eff. 90 days after Apr. 22, 1931.