(a) It shall be unlawful to store, possess, manufacture, give, or present, sell, purchase, donate, or anywise convey or cede for industrial or commercial purposes, for human consumption, any quantity of flour which does not meet the requirements established by this chapter for the making of white bread or crackers generally known as milk crackers, leaven crackers (de agua), soda crackers, and kneaded crackers (de manteca), and dry food [pastas]; Provided, That this provision shall apply to flour that may be manufactured in Puerto Rico when it is for consumption in Puerto Rico.
(b) The possession, storage, manufacture, gift, sale, purchase, donation, any form of conveyance and cession and transportation for industrial or commercial purposes, for human consumption, of any quantity of nonenriched flour shall be regulated through regulations approved by the Secretary of Health of Puerto Rico.
History —May 12, 1948, No. 183, p. 474, § 3; May 18, 1959, No. 12, p. 65, § 5.