For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms will have the definition hereinafter expressed:
(a) Sexually-Transmitted Disease (STD). — Are those, according to scientific research, transmitted by sexual contact or needle exchange. These include: syphilis, gonorrhea, inguinal granuloma, veneral lymphogranuloma, chancroid, nonspecific urethritis, vaginitis trichomoniasis, crab-lice, genital herpes simplex Type I, genital herpes simplex Type II, hepatitis Type B, hepatitis Type C, scabies (mange), genital warts, Chlamydia Trachomatis, bacterial vaginosis, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and any other that the Secretary may include in the future as sexually transmitted disease or infection.
(b) Department. — Department of Health of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(c) Secretary. — Secretary of Health of Puerto Rico.
(d) Program. — Sexually-Transmitted Disease Control Program of the Department of Health.
(e) Laboratory. — Any public or private laboratory, or any other institution duly authorized by the Department of Health, where tests are processed for the diagnosis or confirmation of sexually-transmitted diseases.
(f) Epidemiology technician. — A person who by virtue of his academic preparation, training or experience, renders professional public contact services in the investigation, location of the origin, and focus of infection of sexually-transmitted diseases. If on the effective date of this act, or at any time thereafter, the practice of epidemiology technicians is regulated by law, a license issued by the Epidemiology Technicians Examining Board of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico will also be required.
(g) Physician. — Person authorized to practice medicine and surgery in Puerto Rico upon obtaining a license issued by the Board of Medical Examiners of Puerto Rico.
(h) Health professional or representative. — Shall include a person certified by the Department of Health and/or the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta to render preventive counseling services on HIV/AIDS.
(i) Sexually-transmitted infections. — An infection that, according to scientific research, is transmitted by sexual contact or needle exchange. These include: the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Infection.
History —June 4, 1983, No. 81, p. 180, § 1; July 22, 1988, No. 129, p. 532, § 1; Apr. 6, 2008, No. 36, § 1.