(a) Notwithstanding that disposed by other provisions of this chapter, if the Secretary considers that a general contamination of atmospheric conditions exists or that any source of contamination is causing imminent danger to the public health and safety, he may order the persons who are causing or contributing to said contamination to reduce or immediately discontinue the emission of air contaminators. With the order, the Secretary shall notify the persons concerned of the holding of a hearing, which shall be held not later than forty-eight (48) hours following the issuance of the order. Immediately after the holding of said hearing, the Secretary shall confirm, modify or leave without effect the order so issued.
(b) Nothing herein provided shall be construed as limiting the power of any other officer empowered by law to declare an emergency situation and to act according to such a declaration.
History —June 28, 1968, No. 157, p. 494, § 11, eff. 120 days after June 28, 1968.