P.R. Laws tit. 24, § 332a

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§ 332a. General powers and duties of the Secretary of Health

In carrying out the purposes of this chapter, the Secretary is authorized:

(a) To require all kinds of reports related to the operation and maintenance of health facilities from owners and administrators thereof; to make the necessary surveys and inspections and to issue or prescribe such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary. Regulations under this provision shall be issued as provided in Act No.112 of June 30, 1957, and any other statute enacted hereafter.

(b) To prescribe and establish the corresponding administrative systems and take the necessary action to comply with the requirements of this chapter and of the applicable federal laws and the regulations established thereunder.

(c) To solicit and contract for the temporary or periodic services of experts or consultants, or by contracting organizations of a similar nature, when such services are to be performed on a fee-for-service basis and do not imply the performance of administrative duties.

(d) To the extent that he considers desirable, convenient or necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter, to enter into agreements for the use of the facilities and services of other departments, agencies, corporations, instrumentalities and public or private organizations and institutions.

(e) To accept on behalf of the State and to deposit in the Health Fund any grant, gift or contribution made to help in meeting the cost of carrying out the purposes of this chapter, and to expend, in accordance with existing laws and regulations, every fund of money thus accumulated in the attainment thereof.

(f) To render an annual report to the Governor of Puerto Rico on the activities and expenditures made in connection with this chapter, including recommendations for such additional legislation as the Secretary may deem proper or necessary to provide health facilities to the people.

(g) To implement the provisions of U.S. Public Law 79-725 of July 1, 1944, amended by U.S. Public Law 94-641, known as the Hill-Burton Act and its regulations in force (42 CFR 53.1 ss), and any act to be approved in the future in accordance with the duties and powers granted therein. Adopt, approve and amend the rules and regulations he deems are needed to implement this chapter and its regulations, pursuant to the powers and faculties conferred herein. The regulations prescribed pursuant to this provision shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 112 of June 30, 1957 and the provisions of any other subsequent act approved for this purpose. By means of these rules and regulations he is also empowered to impose penalties that are established under the provisions of federal regulations (42 CFR 53.1 and ss.) for violations to its provisions and to those of the Hill-Burton Act.

(h) To do all other things [on] behalf of the State that he may deem necessary for the maximum benefits under the U.S. Public Law 88-443 of August 18, 1964, which amends Part B of Title III of the U.S. Public Health Act (42 U.S.C. 243) and known as the Hospital and Medical Facilities Act; and U.S. Public Law 88-164 of October 31, 1963, known as “Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act”, as amended, and any other applicable federal laws now existing or hereafter enacted.

(i) To require all health and social welfare employees to present a Bill of Health annually, issued by a licensed physician, after having undergone a thorough physical examination, including laboratory tests.

History —June 26, 1965, No. 101, p. 250, § 4; July 20, 1979, No. 150, p. 368, § 2; Aug. 6, 1999, No. 215, § 1.