P.R. Laws tit. 25, § 3131h

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 3131h. Police auxiliaries—Privileges and additional benefits

Auxiliary police officers shall have the following privileges and additional benefits:

(a) Auxiliary police officers that hold a previous license or authorization to carry firearms granted pursuant to the applicable laws shall be subject to be authorized, discretionally, by the Superintendent to carry said firearms in the performance of their official duties under the terms and conditions he/she establishes.

(b) In the cases contemplated in subsection (a) of this section, to obtain the discretional authorization of the Superintendent to practice in the Puerto Rico Police firing ranges, under the terms and conditions that he/she establishes.

(c) If he/she enrolled as a regular member of the Puerto Rico Police, to be acknowledged and accredited in the manner determined by the Superintendent for hours worked as auxiliary police officers and any courses or trainings approved.

(d) To be honored posthumously and have their legal beneficiaries compensated in the manner determined by the Superintendent, in the event that they die in the line of duty as auxiliary police officers.

(e) To be considered for the granting of any other benefit that the Superintendent decides to grant [with discretion], according to the needs of the service and the available resources, under the same terms and conditions he/she establishes.

(f) Auxiliary police officers shall be included in the term of “law enforcement officers” while performing their duties as such and shall enjoy all the protection and benefits provided by law, including the benefits established in §§ 1 et seq. of Title 11, known as the “Compensation System for Work-Related Accidents Act”.

(g) They may participate in any state or federal program that may apply.

History —June 10, 1996, No. 53, added as § 40 on Sept. 23, 2004, No. 468, § 3.