P.R. Laws tit. 25, § 3122a

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§ 3122a. Review of minor and major faults—Maximum terms

Notwithstanding the provisions of § 3122 of this title, it is hereby established that any procedure in connection with a minor fault, including the investigation thereof and its final adjudication, initiated against a Police Force member, may not exceed a maximum term of one hundred and eighty (180) days, and that any procedure in connection with a major fault, including the investigation thereof and its final adjudication, may not exceed a maximum term of one (1) year. Such terms shall begin to course upon receipt by the Puerto Rico Police of a complaint against a Police Force member or upon appraisal of a possible commission of an act that entails a punitive sanction under the regulation promulgated by virtue of § 3122 of this title. Nevertheless, under exceptional circumstances beyond the control of the Superintendent of the Police, the terms provided for herein may be extended.

Furthermore, the Superintendent of the Police is hereby directed to amend Regulation No. 6505 of August 16, 2002, known as the “ Reglamento para el trámite de querellas administrativas contra miembros de la fuerza y personal civil que labora en la Policía de Puerto Rico ” [lit.: “Regulation on the Review of Administrative Complaints Against Puerto Rico Police Officers and Civilian Staf’f”], in order to establish streamlined and expeditious mechanisms to ensure that Police Force members shall be accorded all procedural guarantees necessary to receive a fair review pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.

History —June 10, 1996, No. 53, added as § 23-A on Mar. 21, 2011, No. 35, § 1.