P.R. Laws tit. 25, § 2060

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§ 2060. Organization and duties of Staff officers

The Staff shall be the highest coordinating and supervisory body of the Military Forces of Puerto Rico and shall consist of a Deputy Adjutant General with a rank of Brigadier General who shall assume the duties of Adjutant General in case of absence or disability of the latter, unless the Governor of Puerto Rico provides otherwise, in which case, he shall make the designation he considers is in order.

It shall also consist of Deputy Adjutants General, with the rank of Brigadier General, respectively appointed in charge of the different military land, air and any other military force, position or charge that may be established for, or added to, the Military Forces of Puerto Rico, pursuant to the laws of the United States Congress or of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the regulations respectively promulgated to such effect under said laws.

It shall also consist of an Executive Officer, who shall be the Chief of Staff, and whatever other officers as the Commander-in-Chief may choose to designate. Said officers shall have the rank and shall perform the duties that the Commander-in-Chief may prescribe by regulation.

All the Deputy Adjutants General shall perform their duties according to the wishes of the Commander-in-Chief.

History —June 23, 1969, No. 62, p. 117, § 209; May 27, 1976, No. 56, p. 162; May 16, 1979, No. 44, p. 100.