P.R. Laws tit. 25, § 981f

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 981f. Eligibility requirements

In order to be entitled to the benefits granted by this chapter, the victim shall meet the following requirements:

(a) Report to law enforcement officers the commission of the criminal conduct which has caused the injury. This report shall be made within ninety-six (96) hours following the criminal act, unless there is a just cause for the delay.

(b) Cooperate with the corresponding authorities in the phases of solving and prosecuting the persons responsible for the commission of the crime. The continuous availability of the victim to cooperate with law enforcement officers shall be verified through the reports filed by these officers as requested by the Office. In cases of sexual assault, the fact that the victim goes to a hospital and undergoes a medical forensic examination shall be deemed as sufficient cooperation. The filing of a complaint against the aggressor by the victim of sexual assault or the victim’s subsequent cooperation shall not be required as a condition to pay the hospital for the medical forensic examination. If the victim chooses to request the services offered by the Office for the payment of medical or psychological expenses, loss of wages, and legal and transportation expenses, the victim shall file an application with the office, in his/her own behalf, and meet the requirements prescribed by law for such cases. The hospital shall be required to advise the victim or his/her relatives on their right to receive compensation benefits for the aforementioned services and shall provide the application for benefits to the victim or his/her relatives to be voluntarily filled out by them.

(c) Claim the benefits offered by the Office within a one (1) year term following the date of the commission of the crime, unless there is just cause. However, in the case of a victim or claimant who is a minor and his/her father, mother or legal guardian does not claim the benefits on his/her behalf, said term shall begin to run when such victim or claimant reaches legal age.

History —July 29, 1998, No. 183, § 9; Aug. 25, 2000, No. 195, § 5; Jan. 5, 2006, No. 3, § 5; June 8, 2010, No. 58, § 3; Aug. 5, 2012, No. 157, § 7.