P.R. Laws tit. 25, § 981a

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 981a. Crime Victims Compensation Office

“The Crime Victims and Witnesses Compensation and Services Office is hereby created, attached to the Department of Justice, for the purpose of authorizing and granting the payment of compensation to victims eligible to receive the benefits granted by this chapter. Moreover, the Office shall provide support, services, and assistance to victims and witnesses to help them deal with the trauma related to the crime in which they were involuntarily involved. This shall include, among others, the following: crisis intervention services; guidance, and counseling services and familiarization with the criminal justice system; guidance on the Bill of Rights of Victims and coordination and referrals for services of various government agencies. Said Office shall operate under the general supervision of the Secretary, but its immediate direction shall be the responsibility of a Director appointed by the former, and who shall fix his/her salary. In order to carry out the functions associated with his/her position, such as crime victims and witnesses” compensation and services, the Director shall have two Assistant Directors. All employees and resources of the Victims and Witnesses Assistance Division of the Department of Justice are hereby transferred to the Crime Victims and Witnesses Compensation and Services Office.”

History —July 29, 1998, No. 183, § 4; Aug. 5, 2012, No. 157, § 4.