P.R. Laws tit. 25, § 973b

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§ 973b. Victims and witnesses assistance technicians—Action to claim

Any person entitled to any of the rights recognized by §§ 973—973c of this title may himself, or through his guardian or a public official or private person interested in his well-being, resort to the Department of Justice or to any other administrative forum or part of the Court of First Instance of the judicial district in which he resides, to claim any right or benefit corresponding to him, or to request the suspension of any action that is in violation of the Bill of Rights of Victims and Witnesses.

The Department of Justice or the competent administrative forum to which the person resorts shall receive and investigate these complaints and shall handle the pertinent judicial actions.

In the event that a complaint charges a public official or a private person with a violation of the rights recognized by §§ 973—973c of this title, the Department shall resort to the competent forums and authorities so that the corresponding administrative measures and actions are taken.

The complaints filed for any violation of the rights recognized by §§ 973—973c of this title against judges or attorneys shall be heard before the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico.

For the purposes of this section, the term “public official” shall include the members of the Puerto Rico Police and the agents of the Bureau of Special Investigations, the agents of law and order, the prosecuting attorneys appointed by the Governor of Puerto Rico or designated by the Secretary of Justice, the Prosecutors for Minors Affairs and any other public official or employee.

The courts shall give priority to the actions filed by virtue of §§ 973—973c of this title and shall be empowered to appoint a legal counsel or defense counsel for the victim or witness of a crime or their family if they do not have the financial resources therefor. The court shall be empowered to render any order or judgment under the law that is needed to carry out the provisions of §§ 973—973c of this title. Failure to comply with the orders and judgments rendered by the court pursuant to this section shall constitute civil contempt.

History —Apr. 22, 1988, No. 22, p. 88, § 3.