P.R. Laws tit. 25, § 973a-1

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§ 973a-1. Bill of rights of minors, minors with disabilities and/or impairments

In addition to the rights listed in § 973a of this title, every victim or witness to a crime or offense under eighteen (18) years of age and every person who has a disability or mental retardation, shall have the following rights:

(a) Shall not be exposed to experiences that could cause serious consequences to his/her mental and emotional health.

(b) Offer, when the circumstances justify it, their testimony through available altemate means, whether in open court, through a closed circuit television system or by a deposition recorded on video tape, or any reliable recording system.

(c) Shall be accompanied in court by support personnel that may be a relative or person close to him/her, counselor or technical personnel of the program, or a competent professional, while giving testimony.

(d) In the course of the procedures, the court shall see to the welfare of the minor, giving priority in its calendar, to the procedures in which they are the victims or witnesses of crimes or offenses and shall avoid long hours of testimony without recess.

History —Apr. 22, 1988, No. 22, added as § 2A on July 29, 1998, No. 184, § 2.