P.R. Laws tit. 25, § 972i-1

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§ 972i-1. Administration of Division

The Secretary may appoint a Director for the Protection and Assistance to Victims and Witnesses Division, and delegate on said official the responsibility and authority to administer and to implement §§ 972—972j of this title.

The Division shall not be subjected to the provisions of §§ 931 et seq. of Title 3, known as the “General Services Administration Act”, nor to the provisions of §§ 933a et seq. of Title 3, known as the “Purchasing and Supplies Act”.

The Division is hereby empowered to carry out those appropriate, reasonable and necessary transactions to faithfully comply with the purposes of §§ 972—972j of this title.

The Department of Justice is likewise empowered to sell or otherwise dispose of its real or personal property or of any other interest therein which in the judgment of the Secretary of Justice is no longer necessary or useful for its purposes.

Nevertheless, under no circumstances shall the real property be disposed of until an appraisal of the value thereof has been made by appraisers of the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The approval of the Legislature of Puerto Rico shall be necessary in those cases in which the transaction is covered by §§ 31—31o of Title 28.

History —July 9, 1986, No. 77, p. 249, added as § 10 on June 19, 1987, No. 28, p. 88, § 2.