P.R. Laws tit. 25, § 972h

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§ 972h. Persons qualified under this chapter—Eligibility for protection

The protection benefits provided by §§ 972—972j of this title shall be extended to every person victim of a crime, witness, potential witness, their family or relatives, regardless of the crime’s nature or degree, if it is determined that any of the persons mentioned is in danger of suffering threats, aggressions or direct or indirect intimidation in order to dissuade him from participating in the official procedure that is to be pursued, or when an attempt to influence his testimony is made or when he is exposed to any type of conduct contemplated in Sections 238, 239 and 239A of the Penal Code of Puerto Rico.

When circumstances so justify it, the protection provided under §§ 972—972j of this title may be extended to qualified persons even after the conclusion of the official process.

History —July 9, 1986, No. 77, p. 249, § 8.