P.R. Laws tit. 25, § 971e

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 971e. Acquisition of assets; penalty

Any person who, while acting in common accord with or in the name of a person charged with or convicted of violating this chapter, in violation of the provisions of § 971d of this title acquires or attempts to acquire any property as described in subsection (b) of said section that had been confiscated or was subject to confiscation shall be sanctioned by imprisonment for a fixed term of ten (10) years. In the event of aggravating circumstances, the established fixed term may be increased to a maximum of fifteen (15) years; in the event of extenuating circumstances it may be reduced to a minimum of five (5) years.

The illegally acquired property shall revert to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico without any compensation whatsoever therefor and it shall be disposed of pursuant to the provisions of subsection (g) of § 971d of this title.

History —July 13, 1978, No. 33, p. 468, added as § 6 on May 29, 1986, No. 32, p. 81, § 3[2]