P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 2971c

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 2971c. Duties

The College of Veterinarians of Puerto Rico shall have the following duties:

(a) To contribute to the progress and development of the science and art of veterinary medicine by stimulating the continuous professional development of veterinarians through the divulging of scientific knowledge.

(b) To raise and maintain the dignity of the profession and its members.

(c) To work towards the implementation of adequate laws that answer to a fair and reasonable spirit and that are related to the profession of veterinary medicine and defend it from any harmful legislation.

(d) To maintain the strict honesty and high degree of responsibility that identifies this profession.

(e) To hold and stimulate a greater understanding between the veterinarians and other professionals.

(f) To contribute to the progress of veterinary medicine through scientific research.

(g) To determine measures of mutual protection strengthening the ties of friendship and comradeship between the members that constitute it.

(h) To furnish pertinent reports required by the Government.

(i) To cooperate in improving the practice of veterinary medicine, watching over the public health at all times.

(j) To establish relationships with counterpart associations in other countries, within certain rules of solidarity and courtesy.

History —July 10, 1986, No. 107, p. 340, § 7.