The Board shall have the following faculties and duties:
(a) It shall use an official seal for the processing of the licenses and other documents issued by the Board.
(b) It shall adopt the necessary regulations to carry out the provisions of §§ 203—203r of this title, after holding public hearings and publishing a notice in two (2) newspapers of general circulation at least thirty (30) days prior to the date on which the hearings will be held. Once these regulations are approved by the Board and promulgated pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 112 of June 30, 1958, known as the “Regulations Act of 1958”, they shall have the force of law. These regulations may be revised and amended when necessary in the same manner as when they were originally adopted. Until the new regulations become effective, the regulations of the Board of Nurse Examiners in effect shall govern all that which is not in conflict with §§ 203—203r of this title.
(c) It shall authorize the practice of nursing in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, being authorized hereby to issue the corresponding licenses as provided by §§ 203—203r of this title.
(d) Shall grant provisional licenses to female and male nurses of educational programs accredited by the Council on Higher Education and the Department of Education, as pertinent. The candidate shall have up to four (4) consecutive opportunities to approve the examinations, as of the date of convocation to examination by the Board and as provided by § 203m of this title. The Board shall cancel the provisional license after these four (4) opportunities. This shall apply to all nursing professionals who request the revalidation examination. Nursing professionals who, at the time this act takes effect, already have two (2) expired licenses shall be granted two (2) additional opportunities; those who have one (1) expired license shall receive three (3) additional opportunities.
(e) It shall examine, grant licenses and recertify them for those candidates who qualify according to the requirements of §§ 203—203r of this title, its regulations and other pertinent statutes in effect in Puerto Rico.
(f) It shall grant a certificate to work in areas of specialties pursuant to the stipulations of §§ 203—203r of this title and the criteria and requirements established by the Board in its regulations.
(g) Prepare and administer revalidation examinations. An applicant who does not pass the same after the four (4) attempts that are offered, may repeat the corresponding examinations indefinitely, as established in the regulations of the Board.
(h) It shall hold administrative hearings to investigate and determine if §§ 203—203r of this title have been violated. It shall issue summons for the appearance of witnesses and the presentation of documents in any hearing that is held pursuant to the terms of §§ 203—203r of this title.
(i) It shall administer oaths related to the hearings and/or investigations it conducts.
(j) It shall revise §§ 203—203r of this title periodically in order to recommend bringing it up to date in accordance with the needs of the nursing practice. The Board shall also prepare any legislation which is necessary and present it, through the Secretary of Health, to the Governor of Puerto Rico and the Legislature.
(k) It shall establish the necessary requirements and mechanisms for the recertification of licenses issued by it every three (3) years pursuant to the laws in effect in the country and for participation in the Register of Health Professionals.
(l) It shall keep an official register of its activities and the licenses granted by category to practice nursing according to the law, as fitting.
(m) It shall render an annual report through the Secretary of Health to the Governor of Puerto Rico, of its business and any other information it deems pertinent and necessary.
(n) The President of the Board shall sign every official document.
(o) By virtue of a complaint or duly evidenced charges by any natural or juridical person, it may, at any moment, identify any female or male nurse who is guilty of violating §§ 203—203r of this title.
(p) It shall revoke, annul, cancel or reissue licenses after the due processes established by §§ 203—203r of this title in its regulations.
(q) It shall appoint the Consulting Committee to counsel on Board related norms and general procedures. The qualifications and criteria for the appointing of the members of this Committee shall be identified in the Board’s regulations.
History —Oct. 11, 1987, No. 9, p. 956, § 8; July 23, 1998, No. 161, § 1; Mar. 10, 2003, No. 81, § 1; Dec. 28, 2003, No. 319, § 1.