P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 2715

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 2715. Suspension, revocation or denial of licenses

The Board may suspend, revoke or deny the granting of a license issued pursuant to this chapter, upon filing of charges, notice and hearing, to any person who: When the suspension of the license is in order by virtue of subsections (g) and (h) of this section, a prior filing of charges and hearing shall not be required. Provided, That the following procedure shall be followed:

(a) Employs persons not authorized by the Board in his work.

(b) Observes an immoral conduct in the practice of his profession, or has been convicted by a court of an offense involving moral turpitude, or for illegal acts implying inexcusable negligence or conduct harmful to the best interests of the public in the discharge of his professional duties.

(c) Certifies electrical work without having executed them personally or having supervised them.

(d) Has obtained a license by fraud or deceit.

(e) Has been declared mentally incapacitated by a competent court; or his incapacity is established before the Board by medical experts; Provided, That the license may be granted as soon as the person is declared to be again capacitated and if he meets the other requirements provided herein.

(f) Makes electrical installations which do not meet the minimum standards of the National Electrical Code in effect, of the Puerto Rico Electrical Code and the regulations promulgated by the private or public company in charge of supplying electric power.

(g) Practices the profession of expert electrician without being duly collegiated [sic].

(h) Has not taken the continuing education courses of the College of Expert Electricians.

The College of Expert Electricians of Puerto Rico shall refer to the Examining Board a list of the names of all persons who have not paid their collegiate dues on that date, or who have participated in the College’s Continuing Education Program courses, no later than the 30th of April of every year. The College shall publish the names of the persons it will refer to the Examining Board in a newspaper of general daily circulation. After fifteen (15) days have elapsed from the publication it will notify those persons by certified mail that their case has been referred to the Examining Board to commence the corresponding license suspension procedure. The Examining Board shall furnish to the College the names of the persons it has admitted or will admit to the practice of the profession of Expert Electrician. Likewise, the College shall inform the Examining Board of the [death] of any expert electrician who is a member no later than ninety (90) days after the notice of his/her [death].

Reinstatement.—Any person whose license has been suspended due to nonpayment of the collegiation fee or for failing to attend continuing education courses may request the Board in writing for his/her reinstatement within a year from the cancellation of his/her license and, in addition, to credit the payment of the collegiation fee and/or having taken the continuing education courses. He/she shall pay the fees established by the Department of State through regulations by virtue of §§ 10 et seq. of this title. The Board shall not reinstate that person’s license for more than one occasion. After one year has elapsed from the suspension of the license, the license cannot be reinstated, and the interested party shall have to apply for a new license and undergo a revalidation examination.

The Judicial Review process shall be in harmony with the Provisions of the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, §§ 2101 et seq. of Title 3.

History —June 2, 1976, No. 115, p. 334, § 15, renumbered as § 16 on Mar. 7, 1983, No. 4, p. 9, § 2; June 1, 1984, No. 46, p. 122, § 9; Nov. 6, 1992, No. 86, § 9.