The Board shall contract legal services as it deems necessary and fees shall be paid out from Board funds. The Board may also seek, when deemed necessary, the legal assistance of the Secretary of Justice.
The Board shall be empowered to subpoena witnesses and compel their appearance before the Board to take testimonies and oaths and to receive the evidence submitted thereto in all matters within its jurisdiction. Likewise, the Board may require remittance of copies of books, documents or excerpts thereof in all cases in which it is entitled to examine the original documents or to require the presentation thereof. Any subpoena under forewarning issued by the Board shall bear the seal of the Board and be signed by its Chair, which subpoena may be served by any adult in any part of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
The Board shall fix by regulation the amounts to be paid for the appearance of witnesses and for each mile traveled by them, pursuant to applicable regulations. Refunds made to pay such fees shall be chargeable to the expense budget of the Board.
If any individual who has been subpoenaed to appear before the Board fails to appear or refuses to give an oath or to testify or to answer any pertinent question, or to present any pertinent document when so ordered by the Board, the Board may invoke the assistance of any part of the Court of First Instance of Puerto Rico to compel such appearance, the testimony of witnesses and the presentation of documents; and said court, based on just cause proven, shall issue an order for any person to appear before the Board and to present the documents required, if so ordered, and to testify on the matter under discussion; and failure to obey such order shall constitute contempt of court and be punished as such.
The Board shall approve its bylaws pursuant to the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, §§ 2101 et seq. of Title 3, as it may deem convenient for the proper operation of said entity. Such bylaws, once approved and published by the Board, shall have force of law. In the meantime and until that time, the bylaws which exist at present shall continue to be in effect.
History —Aug. 1, 2008, No. 139, § 38, eff. Jan 1, 2009.