(a) Candidates shall furnish the following information to the Board in the manner required by the Board:
(1) Full name and assumed names or any other name used in life, current address, and date and place of birth.
(2) A recent signed photograph and/or identification documents.
(3) Name and location of the school of medicine from which he/she graduated, the degree conferred, and the graduation date.
(4) A list of all United States and foreign jurisdictions where the candidate holds a license.
(5) A list of all United States and foreign jurisdictions where the candidate has requested an authorization to practice medicine.
(6) A list of all United States and foreign jurisdictions where the licensee is authorized to practice medicine.
(7) A list of all United States and foreign jurisdictions where the candidate has voluntarily relinquished his/her license or authorization to practice medicine.
(8) A list of all United States and foreign jurisdictions where the candidate has been denied a license or an authorization to practice medicine.
(9) A list of all sanctions, sentences, remedies, transactions or convictions against the candidate at any United States or foreign jurisdiction, which constitute evidence for a disciplinary action pursuant to the law that governs the practice of medicine and the rules or regulations of the Board.
(10) A detailed account of the education, including the places, institutions, dates, and a description of the program of his/her entire academic history, beginning with high school and including all universities, pre-professional and professional institutions and professional post-graduate education.
(11) A chronological account of his/her life story, including the places, date of residence, jobs and military service.
(12) All websites associated with the professional practice of the candidate.
(13) Any other information as the Board may determine necessary.
(b) The candidate shall hold a degree as doctor in medicine or osteopath from a school of medicine located in the United States of America, Canada, or Puerto Rico. No candidate graduated from a school of medicine which is not approved at the time of graduation shall take the examination for licensure or be licensed at the jurisdiction, based on the credentials or documentation of such school. Furthermore, this person may not be licensed by endorsement.
(c) Candidates shall satisfactorily complete at least one (1) year of progressive post-graduate medical training at an institution which is approved by the Board or by a nonprofit private accreditation entity approved by the Board, in the United States of America, Canada, or Puerto Rico.
(d) Candidates shall pass the licensure examinations at the satisfaction of the Board.
(e) Candidates shall be knowledgeable in terms of the statutes and regulations of Puerto Rico concerning the practice of medicine and the proper or controlled use [of] controlled substances.
(f) The candidate shall be physically, mentally, and professionally able to practice medicine at the satisfaction of the Board and shall undergo a physical and mental competence examination or a chemical dependency examination or evaluations as the Board may believe to be necessary.
(g) Candidates may not have been found guilty by competent authority in the United States of America or abroad, of any conduct which may constitute grounds for disciplinary action pursuant to the regulations of the Board or the law.
(h) Candidates shall make a personal appearance if so required before the Board or its representatives for interview, examination, or review of credentials. At the discretion of the Board, the candidate shall be required to present any original of the medical education credentials for inspection upon being summoned.
(i) The candidate shall be responsible for reviewing at the satisfaction of the Board, the validity of all credentials required for the medical license. The Board shall verify the credentials for the medical license from a primary source and use national medical information services (i.e. the Federation of State Medicals Boards-Board Action Data Bank and Credentials Verification Service, and the information furnished by the American Medical Association, the American Osteopathic Association, and other national data banks and sources of information).
(j) Candidates shall have paid all fees and filled out and ascertained the accuracy of all information forms and applications required by the Board. The Board shall require authorization from the candidates to investigate and/or verify any information furnished in any license application.
(k) Candidates shall satisfactorily pass a criminal history verification.
History —Aug. 1, 2008, No. 139, § 21, eff. Jan 1, 2009.