P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 1051

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§ 1051. Power of special investigation

The College shall be empowered to investigate all requests made by means of the presentation of a written claim under oath, as specified in its bylaws, provided that any of its members commits a violation against the code of ethics and the laws that direct the practice of the occupational therapy profession. After the interested parties have been given an opportunity to be heard, if it finds well-founded grounds, it shall file the corresponding complaint before the Board. The herein provided shall not be construed as a modification or limitation of the power of the Board to initiate an investigation on its own initiative or a disciplinary proceeding, when it so deems appropriate pursuant to Section 8 of Act No. 137 of June 26, 1968, as amended [sic].

History —Dec. 11, 2007, No. 183, § 7.