P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 741

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 741. Stamps

Every professional engineer or surveyor shall affix to every professional service, plan, document or certificate a five dollar ($5.00) printed or digital stamp or both, that the College shall adopt and issue, in case that said plan, document or certificate involves works or professional services whose value does not exceed nine hundred, ninety-nine dollars ($999); if it exceeds nine hundred, ninety-nine dollars ($999) additional stamps at a rate of one dollar ($1) for every thousand dollars ($1,000) or fraction thereof shall be affixed; Provided, That in the case of works it shall be the cost of construction. Provided, further, That the stamp of the College shall not be required to be attached to professional services, plans, documents, certificates, or other engineering or surveying work that is for public works projects and prepared by professional engineers or surveyors who are employees of any municipality, department or similar body of the Government of Puerto Rico; It being understood, that for the purposes of this exemption, professional engineers and surveyors who, in the preparation of plans, projects, and specifications for public works, act as private professionals, advisors, or consultants engaged in the private practice of their profession and whose compensation is paid on the basis of a fee shall not be considered public employees; and Provided, further, That no Government department, court of justice of Puerto Rico, the Public Service Commission or any other similar body shall approve or consider as valid any plans, documents or certificates of engineering works to which the corresponding stamps of the College have not been affixed.

If the stamps of the College are not affixed to the plans, project or specifications of a public works carried out by means of competitive bidding by any department, bureau, or agency of the Commonwealth or municipal government, or by any agency, authority, or Commonwealth or municipal entity, the corresponding stamps of the College shall be cancelled upon the execution of the contract in accordance with the rate prescribed in this section, and the chief or official in charge of each department, bureau, agency, authority, corporation or entity of the Commonwealth or municipal government is hereby authorized and directed to demand from the contractor the cancellation of the corresponding stamps as provided.

Any certification of a new or existing project, including the basic services or utility certifications, among others, may be signed by a professional engineer.

The amounts collected on account of the foregoing shall be covered into the funds of the College for its use.

History —May 15, 1938, No. 319, p. 562, § 11; Apr. 29, 1939, No. 64, p. 442, § 1; Apr. 25, 1940, No. 68, p. 484, § 1; May 9, 1941, No. 142, p. 888, § 1; May 15, 1943, No. 187, p. 674, § 1; Aug. 9, 2016, No. 147, § 8.