P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 736

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 736. Officials; Board of Directors; Executive Committee

The Board of Directors of the College shall be composed of one President and one Vice President for each profession, and the Presidents of the Chapters and Institutes, as well as the past-president, who shall be an ex-officio member Board until he is substituted by the next outgoing president, but he shall have voice, but no vote. The President and the Vice Presidents shall be elected in the General Assembly. All other Board members shall be elected in the form and manner provided in the bylaws.

The members of the College, through an Assembly, shall determine whether or not they shall opt to exercise their right to elect their board of directors at their convenience, in person or by other means, following the procedure prescribed by the College through regulations. In addition, the College may provide its members, through regulations, with the additional option of casting their vote through any other means determined to ensure the privacy, reliability, confidentiality, secrecy, and validity of said vote. The canvassing of votes by other means shall be conducted at a General Assembly convened for such purposes.

There shall be an Executive Committee to be composed of the Chairman, the Vice Chairmen, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Auditor. The Chairman and Vice Chairmen shall be elected at the General Assembly. All other members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the Board of Directors at its first meeting; in addition, the line of succession to perform the duties of chairman in the case of his temporary or permanent absence shall be elected from among the Vice Chairmen. The functions and duties of the Executive Committee shall be established in the regulations, and the agreements thereof, either by delegation of the Board or on their own motion, shall be referred to the Board of Directors for ratification.

History —May 15, 1938, No. 319, p. 562, § 6; May 7, 1965, No. 7, p. 11; Sept. 29, 1980, No. 12, p. 977, § 6; July 17, 1998, No. 133, § 1, eff. 60 days after July 17, 1998; Aug. 9, 2016, No. 147, § 4.