P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 55

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 55. Tutorial program—Purpose

The Board of Medical Examiners, created by Act No. 22 of April 22, 1931, is hereby empowered and directed to organize, establish and adopt, in consultation with the Department of Health and the School of Medicine of the Medical Sciences Campus of the University of Puerto Rico, such regulations as may be needed to implement a tutorial program addressed to the medical school graduates who qualify for their medical validation examination who have been unable to obtain a permanent license as a physician, in order to improve their qualifications and training to take such examination. As part of this program, the Board is empowered to define and regulate, in turn, the functions such graduates from medical school may perform as part of their training and the conditions under which they may perform such functions. Medical school graduates registered in the above-stated tutorial program may perform, under the supervision and direction of a physician licensed to practice medicine in Puerto Rico, such functions that do not involve the diagnosis, treatment, prescription of medications and surgical operations as defined and authorized by the Board by regulations.

History —Dec. 30, 1986, No. 1, p. 855, § 1.