The fees received by the Secretary of State under this section may be reimbursed within a term of three (3) years on and after the receipt thereof, upon presentation of satisfactory evidence to the effect that:
(a) Said fees were received in excess of the amount required by law, in which case the reimbursement shall be for the difference between the money paid and the amount [set].
(b) The license applied for was denied.
(c) The person filing the license application died prior to the issuance thereof.
(d) The person in whose favor the license was issued joined the army or was drafted into the federal active military, naval or maritime service or into a branch or division thereof, in which case the reimbursement shall be proportionate to the number of unexpired months as of the date of military enlistment or drafting.
Such reimbursements shall, after they are approved by the Secretary of State and countersigned by the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico, be paid from the funds received under this chapter.
History —May 15, 1950, No. 431, p. 1102, § 11, eff. Jan. 1, 1951.