P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 546r

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 546r. Constitution Assembly

If the results of the Referendum provided herein are not affirmative, the Committee referenced in § 546q of this title shall then become the Convocations Committee of the Constitution Assembly of the Opticians Association of Puerto Rico. As such, and within thirty (30) days after issuing the notification provided in the § 546q of this title, it shall convene by certified mail all the opticians that to that date are entitled to become members of the Association to the Constitution Assembly for the purpose of electing the first Board of Directors of the Association, and to dispose on the regulation of the institution being created. The Constitution Assembly shall be held fifteen (15) days after the publication of the referenced convocation in two (2) newspapers of general circulation in Puerto Rico. If those attending said Constitution Assembly do not constitute a simple majority of fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the opticians in Puerto Rico, said Assembly shall not be held; but those who attend may designate by majority the location and date for a new convocation, which shall be held for the same purposes and in the same manner as the previous one, without allowing less than thirty (30) days to elapse between one and the other.

One-fourth (1 / 4) of the opticians entitled to be members of the Association shall constitute quorum for the second Constitution Assembly, and the agreements adopted or actions taken by the majority of the attendees shall be valid. If quorum is not met on said second convocation, the Assembly shall not be held. However, the Referendum Committee shall provide the subsequent convocations to the Constitution Assembly and the quorum to be required thereof.

History —Sept. 3, 2003, No. 245, § 20.