P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 546l

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 546l. Actions

The Association shall request from the corresponding court an injunction, writ of inhibition, or any other pertinent recourse to cease and desist from acts or practices contrary to the purposes provided herein, or which are prejudicial or in violation of its dispositions or the determination of suspension of license for the practice of the optics profession decreed by the Board of Examiners.

The Association shall file, without need for bonds, the appropriate action at the corresponding court against any person who, without a valid optician license issued by the Board of Examiners, practices the optician profession within this jurisdiction, as well as against any optician who, in spite of having been suspended from the practice of the profession by the Board of Examiners, pursuant to and by any of the causes imposed by law, attempts to continue, or in effect does continue practicing the optician profession. Such an order to cease and desist shall also be requested and made extensive and applicable to any person, partner, partnership, employer, corporation, organism, cooperative, instrumentality and entity, and to agents and employees thereof, who under any agreement have been using or intend to use, or avail themselves of a suspended or unlicensed optician, as well as of persons who are not opticians and do not have a valid license for the exercise of the profession, for same to immediately abstain or cease and desist from such a practice.

The Association may opt for the use of the services of its legal advisor, or may contract private legal representation when deemed necessary for same to represent it in this type of legal action.

History —Sept. 3, 2003, No. 245, § 14.