P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 546b

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 546b. Powers

The Opticians Association of Puerto Rico shall have the following powers:

(a) To perpetually subsist under said name, to sue and be sued as a juridical person, to be the representing voice or instrument of the professional opticians of Puerto Rico, by all legal means and regarding all matters over which it wishes to express itself, including appearing as amicus curiae before courts and public agencies.

(b) To bind itself legally, as well as to acquire rights and goods, both movable and immovable, by donation, legacy, tribute among its own members, purchase, or any other legal means, and to mortgage, sell, transfer and dispose of same in any legal manner and form.

(c) To elect the members of its Board of Directors and designate its functionaries and officers.

(d) To designate the office personnel that shall manage the operation of the Association, as well as to contract the services of a legal advisor.

(e) To draft and adopt regulations that shall be compulsory for all the members, as adopted and implemented by the Assembly that shall be constituted for their approval, or otherwise instead of said Assembly, as drafted and implemented by the Board of Directors to be set forth herein further on; as well as to amend said regulations in the manner and under the requirements instituted within same.

(f) To adopt and use a seal.

(g) To offer safety to its members by means of the creation or adoption of a mutual protection plan, friendly societies or charitable funds, pensions or retirement plans, or by any other means to provide for needy members or those who are forced to retire due to physical disabilities or advanced age, the widow or widower and dependents of those who die, prior evidence to the satisfaction of the Association that said survivors are truly bereft.

(h) To protect the public interest and the members receiving or investigating of its own accord any grievances or matters on problems pertaining to the profession, such as allegations of improper conduct or breaches of ethical principles, on disagreements that may arise between opticians and patients, or between opticians, or between opticians and others regarding the optician, the materials, [i]n Puerto Rico. The Association shall refer the grievances that are submitted to it along with its recommendations to the Board of Examiners for the latter to dispose upon as set forth by law.

(i) To exercise the incidental faculties necessary and convenient pursuant to its creation and subsequent maintenance and operations.

(j) To investigate motu proprio at the request of any member, natural or juridical person, or establishment dedicated to the optics service that incur [sic] in violations against the practice of optics, pursuant to the legislation in effect.

History —Sept. 3, 2003, No. 245, § 4.