(a) The licenses required under this subchapter shall be in effect for two (2) years from the date of issue and shall be renewed at staggered intervals, after having met the requirements and complied with the procedures to be established by regulation, and after having paid the corresponding fees.
(b) All license renewal applications shall be submitted not later than forty-five (45) days in advance of the date of expiration of the license.
(c) Any person who operates more than one establishment defined in this chapter shall apply for and obtain a separate license for each establishment.
(d) Licenses shall be nontransferable.
(e) The license shall be issued under the name of the owner or under the trade name applying for the same and it shall only apply to the establishment at the location stated on the license’s front. The license shall also specify the kind of establishment for which the same was granted, as defined in this chapter.
(f) The licenses, certificates and authorizations listed below shall be payable at the following fees, which shall be in effect from the date of approval of this act, until the Secretary establishes other fees by regulation:
(1) Medication registration certificate (each medication) $ 25.00
(2) Pharmaceutical industry license $ 500.00
(3) Wholesale medication distributor license $ 350.00
(4) Wholesaler drugstore license $ 350.00
(5) Representing agent license $ 200.00
(6) distributor license $ 100.00 Wholesale nonprescription medication
(7) distributor license $ 50.00 Retail nonprescription medication
(8) distributor license $ 100.00 Wholesale veterinary nonprescription medication
(9) distributor license $ 100.00 Wholesale veterinary prescription medication
(10) distributor license $ 75.00 Retail veterinary nonprescription medication
(11) Veterinary facility license $ 100.00
(12) Pharmacy license $ 100.00
(13) medications $ 25.00 radioactive medications, biological products, or sterile parenteral
(14) Drug cabinet license $ 50.00
(15) License to distribute and dispense biological products $ 75.00
(g) License fees shall be paid by money order or check payable to the order of the Secretary of the Treasury or by credit or debit card, following the norms and procedures set forth by the Secretary of the Treasury concerning this means of payment.
(h) The revenues collected from such fees shall be deposited into the Health Fund created under the provisions of Section 11-A of Act No. 26 of November 13, 1975, as amended, to be used exclusively by the Pharmacy Division in overseeing compliance with the provisions of this subchapter.
History —Sept. 3, 2004, No. 247, § 5.15.