P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 410d

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 410d. Nonprescription medications

(a) Nonprescription medications, with the exception of those indicated further, may be acquired in pharmacies and other establishments duly authorized by and registered at the Department.

(b) The following nonprescription medications may only be acquired at pharmacies:

(1) Nonprescription medications containing controlled substances as defined in §§ 2101 et seq. of Title 24, known as the “Puerto Rico Controlled Substances Act”.

(2) Injectable medications.

(3) Medications requiring refrigeration for their storage and conservation.

(4) Other medications as determined by the Department by regulation.

(c) The Department may exercise the rulemaking authority conferred thereto under the preceding subsection (b)(5) [sic] of this section only when it determines, based on studies conducted pursuant to generally accepted scientific criteria, that there is a substantial risk of serious adverse effects on health which are directly attributable to the consumption, abuse or inadequate administration of the medication.

(d) Nonprescription medications shall be kept in their original package with the manufacturer’s labeling and kept in an appropriate environment and at an appropriate temperature so that their quality, purity and potency do not deteriorate or are not diminished in any way.

History —Sept. 3, 2004, No. 247, § 5.05.